
I’ve been meaning to participate in an E-Learning Heroes Challenge for quite some time and decided that this week is the week to do it! The challenge was to create a slide, demo, or design comp that features blurred backgrounds. I wanted my blur to be purposeful, beyond just having a solid design.

I was racking my brain trying to think about how I would tackle this challenge and ended up in a team meeting. My background was blurred because, to be honest, my office was a bit messy. That’s when I got the idea for Virtual Interview Tip #1: blur your background!

To build the course, I started out with a background image of a messy room (Canva). I exported the image and created two states: “Blur” and “Normal.”

It turns out that Storyline doesn’t have a blur effect built into the program, so I ended up opening up my Media Library. I selected the image, clicked the “edit” icon, and clicked on Adobe Illustrator.

Once in Adobe Illustrator, I added the Gaussian Blur effect and re-exported as a .svg file. I’ve heard that I should be able to save the photo and have it immediately update in Storyline’s Media Library, but I couldn’t get it to work. If you are reading this, and you know how to do it, send help!

Next, I added my characters from Storyline. Laura and Renita. Considering the content, I thought it would be funny to have Renita express emotion about Laura’s messy background and added a new state called “Happy.” I cropped an office background for Renita and resized the images until they resembled what you would see in a video conference.

I added the title and body text, using both serif and sans serif to show visual contrast; however, I still kept them close in proximity for aesthetic reasons. Then, it was just a matter of add buttons and setting up my triggers:

—And there you have it! I had so much fun participating in this week’s challenge, and I imagine that I will check it out next week, too. If you want to download the file, click the button below.


Instructional Design, eLearning Development

Tools Used

Articulate Storyline, Adobe Illustrator, Canva
